The project
RENOWAVE’s objective is to reduce the CO2 emissions in the Swiss built environment by addressing building retrofit and switching from fossil fuels to renewable energies. The challenges (technical, financial and organizational) related to large-scale and efficient retrofits are numerous, interrelated and transdisciplinary. RENOWAVE addresses building retrofit in a process of co-construction between researchers from various fields and implementation partners representing the various stakeholders involved in the complex process chain of renovation.
The SDGs

RENOWAVE is a Flagship project funded by the Swiss innovation agency Innosuisse. Its objective is to reduce the CO2 emissions in the Swiss built environment by addressing building retrofit and switching from fossil fuels to renewable energies. Buildings are a major source of Switzerland’s CO2 emissions, and the existing stock will represent the overwhelming part of the sectorial energy demand for the several upcoming decades. The challenges (technical, financial and organizational) related to large-scale and efficient retrofits are numerous, interrelated and transdisciplinary. RENOWAVE addresses building retrofit in a process of co-construction between researchers from various fields and implementation partners representing the various stakeholders involved in the complex process chain of renovation. Therefore 46 implementation partners and 16 research groups from industry, research and public authorities collaborate on 16 topics related to the retrofit of the building stock. The project started in February 2022 and will end in February 2026.
The 16 topics treated in the project are interrelated and regrouped into four main pillars:
- information, cooperation and support
- Technology and architecture
- Finance, regulation and law
- business strategies and renovation clusters
The ZHAW Institute of Facility Management (IFM) is part of the School of Life Sciences and Facility Management and has two locations in Wädenswil and in Zurich. The IFM is the Swiss competency centre for bachelor’s and master’s courses, continuing education, research and development, and services in real estate and facility management. IFM constitutes a team of 50 dedicated experts committed to advancing science and practice in the management of real estate, workplaces and facility services throughout the entire life cycle of a property.
Contribution in RENOWAVE
ZHAW-IFM contributes in Subproject 1.4 «Life Cycle Sustainability & resilience assessment of solutions». ZHAW-IFM will develop a GIS map for Subproject 2.4 “Decision support instruments combining geo and building data” with the help of experts from the research group of geo- informatics. ZHAW-IFM will also coordinate and manage the different tasks of Subproject 4.2 “Renovation clusters based on “one-stop-shop”. In addition, ZHAW-IFM is the project co-lead of Subproject 4.3 “Potential for new business strategies” as it has a long record of working with RE industry on tools for decarbonization of buildings, portfolios and districts. At last, IFM will also coordinate and manage the different tasks of Subproject 4.4 “Holistic renovation concepts”.

In the media

Medienmitteilung der Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
OST leitet 7,5-Millionen-Projekt für Renovationswelle in der Schweiz

Bericht auf immo!nvest
OST will Renovationswelle auslösen

Bericht auf
Projekt «Renowave» soll energetischen Sanierungen Schub geben

Bericht auf baublatt
«Renowave»: Neues Forschungsprojekt soll energetischen Sanierungen Schub geben

Bericht in der Botschaft der Regierung – Budget 2023
Hervorheben des Innosuisse-Flagship-Projektes RENOWAVE auf Seite 268 des Dokumentes
Funding and practice partners
The project consortium consists of 16 research groups and 46 organisations, representing the different stakeholder groups involved in the built environment: cities, architects, energy providers, finance institutions, etc… The complementary competences of the project partners allow an interdisciplinary approach.
RENOWAVE is one of the first flagship projects funded by Innosuisse. The purpose of the flagship initiative is to stimulate innovation in areas relevant to a large part of the economy or society and to promote transdisciplinary project collaboration. The Initiative strives for solutions to current or future challenges, which concern several actors and/or can only be solved through collaborative work.
Funding partner
Research partners
- CCRS Zentrum für Unternehmensverantwortung und Nachhaltigkeit
- EMPA – Laboratory for Building Energy Materials and Components (BEMC)
- HES-SO Hochschule Fribourg – Institut TRANSFORM
- HES-SO HETS Genève – CERES Centre de recherches sociales
- HES-SO HEPIA Genève – Institut inPACT
- HSLU Hochschule Luzern – Institut für Betriebs- und Regionalökonomie
- HSLU Hochschule Luzern – Institut für Finanzdienstleistungen Zug
- HSLU Hochschule Luzern – Institut für Gebäudetechnik und Energie
- OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule – Institut für Energiesteme
- OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule – Institut für Energietechnik
- OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule – OZG Zentrum für Gemeinden
- OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule – SPF Institut für Solartechnik
- UNIGE Université de Genève – DEFSE / Systèmes Energétiques
- Zurich University of Applied Sciences – Institute of Facility Management
- Zurich University of Applied Sciences – Institut für Nachhaltige Entwicklung
- Zurich University of Applied Sciences – Zentrum für Regulierung und Wettbewerb
Implementation partners
- Kanton Aargau
- Agitec AG
- Allianz 2SOL
- Amstein + Walthert AG
- AVarchitekten GmbH
- Baugenossenschaft Zurlinden
- Stadt Bern
- Bundesamt für Wohnungswesen
- Caisse de prévoyance de l’Etat de Genève
- Casafair Schweiz
- Cité lumière production
- Cowa Thermal Solutions AG
- CSD ingénieurs SA
- Energie bewegt Winterthur
- Energiedirektoren-Konferenz
- Energietal Toggenburg
- Etat de Genève
- Gebäudehülle Schweiz
- geoimpact AG
- Grundwert GmbH
- Implenia Schweiz AG
- Intep GmbH
- Joulia SA
- Keller AG Ziegeleien
- Mieterinnen- und Mieterverband Schweiz
- Minergie Verein
- myEnergySolutions GmbH
- Netto Null Kollektiv
- Nova Energie Ostschweiz AG
- PostFinance AG
- PricewaterhouseCoopers AG
- Raiffeisen Schweiz
- Refolio Real Estate AG
- Scheco AG
- SGNI – Swiss sustainable building council
- Siedlung Büel – S51
- SIG – Services industriels de Genève
- Stadt St. Gallen
- Strüby Konzept AG
- Swisscleantech
- Swisspearl Schweiz AG (vorm. Eternit)
- Urban Sympheny AG
- Ville de Lancy
- Walter Wettstein AG Kältetechnik
- Stadt Wintherthur
- Stadt Zürich